Price: RM36.00
Postage Fee:
Please refer to shipping and return page
Package Include:
Size: 50ml
Function: Hydrating, minimize pores, whitening
SHILLS Hydrating Nutrient Mask can be a face cream, sleeping mask and hydrating mask.
if you use it as a sleeping mask, you can just apply it on your face, do not rinse it until the next morning, your face will be very hydrated, ur pores has been minimize, and you will have more even skin tone after using it.
for my personal experience, after applying mask thoughout the night, the next morning my face is more hydrated and make my make up turn out to be more lasting. well, ladies usually wear make up, wearing make up everyday will make our face turn dry.. when our face dry means dehydrated wrinkles will appears and make you look older. oPps! i'm sure every ladies dont want that~
How to use it:
Apply the mask at your face, leave it for 10-15mins then wash it off if you want to. if you want to use it as your hydrating sleeping mask you can just leave it on your face until tomorrow morning.
* 面膜、乳霜、妆后急救用品三合一,免冲洗持久保湿,润泽紧致有弹性,彻夜未眠依旧呈现光彩活力。
* 急速修护晚安面膜,一夜到天明不用冲洗,持久保湿,彻夜不睡依旧光彩焕发,修护角质层并锁住水份,缩小毛孔、安抚敏感皮肤、改善暗沉不均匀的肤色;在家休闲、外出约会、夜间休闲,任何时间、任何地点都适用。
* 主要成分:吉拉索芦荟、玻尿酸、螺旋蓝藻萃取、山金车萃取、小黄瓜萃取、锦葵萃取、接骨木萃取、向日葵花籽油、
* 金盏花萃取:可改善肌肤过敏现象,恢复肌肤弹力且有助于青春痘疤痕愈合。
* 分子钉高效补水锁水:预防色素沉淀,减少斑点形成,维持肌肤水油平衡状态。补充养份,使肌肤更显得平滑水嫩。
* 海藻萃取:加强肌肤弹力与光泽,充分保湿、柔软皮肤底层,并调理肌肤水油平衡。
* 洋甘菊萃取:能调理敏感性肌肤并镇静保湿机能,有效美白淡化黑色素,给予白皙光泽。
* 使用方法:取适量全脸涂敷10~15分钟至完全吸收,无须水洗、方便使用。妆后急救用,取适量针对干燥脱皮处涂敷至吸收,再补妆上去肌肤自然完美呈现.
SHILLS FOAM FACE MASK / ㊣牛尔老师示范 SHILLS 地中海SPA礦泉泡泡面膜 (Product Code: MA014)

Price: RM39.00
Postage Fee:
Please refer to shipping and return page
Package Include:
** It just like oxy mask... which have bubble when you apply on it~
** It mainly effect shrinking pores, and brightening your skin , rejuvenates the skin to more youthful
Apply on whole face (avoid eyes n lips area), wait for awhile, the bubbles will appear. Massage in circular motion for 2-3 mins, then ruse off with water

SHILLS Hyaluronic Acid AQUA Shaking Mask / ㊣牛尔老师示范 SHILLS神奇轉化玻尿酸水動膜面膜补水保湿 (Product Code: MA013)

Price: RM39.00
Postage Fee:
Please refer to shipping and return page
Package Include:
Taiwan Beauty Program《Queen》Recommend
SHILLS Hyaluronic Acid AQUA Shaking Mask 100ml
~ Moisturise & No More Dehydrate Skin
** Kee your skin always moisturize and very suitable for dry skin.
** Suitable For: All Skin Type
Weight: 100ml
Directions for use:
Please shake well before use. While content become fluidized, apply liberally to face, leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse face thoroughly with clean water.
3D-AQUA Episode III
1. Shaking 2. Taking 3. Masking
For external use only.
If you feel any uncomfortable, please stop using the product.
Please keep out of reach of children.
Avoid direct sunlight & high temperature environment.
Please do not use on the wound area.
雪克3秒 『果凍轉為水感』立即湧出冷泉!!
夏日透心沁涼美膚飲品 讓肌膚喝飽水 長效水感Q嫩
第一動能→ 固態轉液態,雪克3秒後固態果凍快速轉化玻尿酸水精華成分,完整注入肌膚底層,毛孔尤如深層水庫般大量存水。
第二動能→ 液態轉固態,能在肌膚表皮形成滴水不漏的鎖水凍膜,水份不會因外在冷氣或空氣揮發掉,尤如深層水庫般蓄水。防止肌膚乾燥、將細紋及毛孔撐起、細胞賦活、減緩日曬後的紅熱現象,清新沁凉的觸感,宛如沉浸在冷泉活膚水中。
冷凝水晶球體 利用微脂囊包覆有效成份(玻尿酸、天然保濕因子、尿囊素、洋甘菊萃取液、甘草萃取液、蘆薈萃取液) 在轉化過程中,以脂腹按壓破裂後,瞬間釋放大量精華成份,稍按摩臉部5-10分鐘後以清水洗淨,更感白皙水嫩。
★適用膚質: 所有膚質皆可使用。
玻尿酸、天然保濕因子: 加強肌膚保濕度,使膚質更加水嫩。
蘆薈、甘草萃取: 加強滋潤,保濕嫩白並能舒緩敏弱及安撫日曬後缺水肌膚。
洋甘菊萃取: 淨黑嫩白,恢別黑色攻擊,維持白皙水嫩。
尿囊素: 能夠有效提高細胞的抗氧化能力。
SHILLS L-Ascorbic Acid AQUA Shaking Mask / ㊣牛尔老师示范SHILLS神奇转化还白C水动膜美白嫩肤 (Product Code: MA012)

Price: RM39.00
Postage Fee:
Please refer to shipping and return page
Package Include:
Taiwan Beauty Program《Queen》Recommend
SHILLS Azelaic Acid Aqua Shaking Mask 100ml
~ Whitening & Softening
** Refresing and Mositurising tonic which regulates the skin's PH and Restores its uniform colour. The Skin Care Products contaun only. The Best Natural Active Ingredients.
** Suitable For: All Skin Type
Weight: 100ml
Directions for use:
Please shake well before use. While content become fluidized, apply liberally to face, leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse face thoroughly with clean water.
3D-AQUA Episode III
1. Shaking 2. Taking 3. Masking
For external use only.
If you feel any uncomfortable, please stop using the product.
Please keep out of reach of children.
Avoid direct sunlight & high temperature environment.
Please do not use on the wound area.
SHILLS Azelaic Acid Aqua Shaking Mask / ㊣牛尔老师示范 SHILLS神奇转化净痘无痕水动膜控油去痘 (Product Code: MA011)

Price: 39.00
Postage Fee:
Please refer to shipping and return page
Package Include:
Taiwan Beauty Program《Queen》Recommend
SHILLS Azelaic Acid Aqua Shaking Mask 100ml
~ Control Oil & Reduce Pimples
** Suitable For: All Skin Type
Weight: 100ml
Directions for use:
Please shake well before use. While content become fluidized, apply liberally to face, leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse face thoroughly with clean water.
3D-AQUA Episode III
1. Shaking 2. Taking 3. Masking
For external use only.
If you feel any uncomfortable, please stop using the product.
Please keep out of reach of children.
Avoid direct sunlight & high temperature environment.
Please do not use on the wound area.
雪克3秒 『果凍轉為水感』立即湧出冷泉!!
第一動能→ 固態轉液態,雪克3秒後固態果凍快速轉化玫瑰珍珠水精華成分,完整注入肌膚底層,毛孔尤如深層水庫般大量存水。
第二動能→ 液態轉固態,能在肌膚表皮形成滴水不漏的鎖水凍膜,水份不會因外在冷氣或空氣揮發掉,尤如深層水庫般蓄水。維持油脂分泌平衡、加強控油,防止粉刺、痘痘肌膚的產生,保養同時修復,迅速恢復嫩白光澤感,清新沁凉的觸感,宛如沉浸在冷泉活膚水中。
冷凝水晶球體 利用微脂囊包覆有效成份:玫瑰珍珠水精華, 在轉化過程中,以脂腹按壓破裂後,瞬間釋放大量嫩白精華成份,稍按摩臉部5~10分鐘後以清水洗淨,能修復淡化黑勢力,讓痘疤不再痘留。
玻尿酸、木糖醇、天然保濕因子: 加強肌膚保濕度,使膚質更加水嫩。
蘆薈、甘草萃取: 加強滋潤,保濕嫩白並能舒緩敏弱及安撫日曬後缺水肌膚。
洋甘菊萃取: 淨黑嫩白,恢別黑色攻擊,維持白皙水嫩。
尿囊素: 能夠有效提高細胞的抗氧化能力。
木瓜酵素: 修復肌膚乾燥及受傷肌膚,讓膚質變年輕。
杜鵑花酸衍生物: 修復淡化黑勢力,維持白皙水嫩,讓痘疤不再痘留。
★適用膚質: 所有膚質皆可使用。
★使用方法: 使用前請先搖一搖,待為流體時倒出並敷於臉部,以指腹推抹,並按壓冷凝水晶球體加以按摩,5~10分鐘後以清水洗淨即可。
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