I believe many girls like me will have the blackhead problem so today I decided to take some photos for the process how I use the Collagen Gel Set.

Firstly I clean my face with Amino acid cleansing cream 胺基酸溫和潔顏乳霜 like normal day as my skin is consider combination prior to dry skin. Then start to apply clay mask.
Before apply clay mask. (hehe.. you can see that my nose and cheek is a bit oily)

After applied clay mask. (My face become so clean and not as oily as before then the pore at my cheek also become smaller)

It's so amazing!! Just a little of clay mask can clean up 2 persons' face; my bf and I.

After wash off the clay mask, I start to apply Collagen gel to remove the little blackhead at my nose. Just a small drop is enough to apply at my nose and cheek.

Wait for 15 minutes then peel off the paper and it's not painful at all than the black pore up mask that I used before this. Wow! Can you see my blackhead and whitehead all standing on the paper? If you cant then please click to enlarge the image. Last but not least I'll apply the Zn-PCA astringent herbal complex 毛孔緊緻精華液 to minimize the pores at my nose and cheek.

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